Friday, June 17, 2016

One Bear's Opinion -- Book Review

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

The events of the world got to be more than we could handle this past week and both my housemate and I agreed that we needed to read something innocent and good. After scanning our shelves and Kindle library, we decided to re-kindle our friendship with Anne Shirley and her friends. I’m not sure how far into the series we will take our re-read, but we started with the first-in-the-series.

This is an excellent book, full of friends. It’s an escape to an innocent time and a great story of coming of age. Anne, Diana, and Gilbert become fast friends and any visit with them is a good one.

My housemate and I saw Kevin Sullivan’s production of Anne of Green Gables before we read the book the first time, so our mental pictures of the characters are colored by the actors who portrayed them in that mini-series, but even so, I think the casting was very well done. When reading the books, I see those actors as the characters, and I hear the dialogue in their voices. The production made some changes to the story, but then almost all book-to-movie adaptations make some changes.

The book is fun and friendly. It’s an easy read, and staying up late to finish feels like a visit with friends you never want to end. A visit with Anne was just what we needed to counteract the overwhelming grief, sadness, tragedy, and outright hate that has dominated the world lately. I highly recommend that everyone take a few days, turn off the news and visit Anne. You’ll come back much better prepared to face the world.

One Bear’s Opinion: Five tumblers of Raspberry Cordial with some fruit cake and other sweet treats

Happy Reading Everyone,

P.S. Stay safe, it’s a scary world out there.

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