Thursday, May 7, 2015

One Bear's Opinion -- Book Review

An Old Betrayal by Charles Finch

Back to books that are old friends.  An Old Betrayal is the seventh book in the Charles Lenox series of mysteries.  With the other books in the series, each one builds on the next in such a way that it's better to have read them in order and from the beginning, if only to get a feel for the characters.  This is a departure from that.  I'm not sure if it is a signal that the series is going to take a dramatic turn or what, but it is not necessary to have read the previous books to read this one.  The characters are re-introduced so well to readers that it could be mistaken for a first book in the series.

The main mystery was quite interesting and well crafted, but the secondary plot mysteries were even more so.  I really felt the sub-plots took pride of place in this visit, and it was not at all unwelcome.  Earlier stories had Charles [Lenox] outside the comfort sphere the author had developed for him and were uneven and ragged as to his involvement in the solving of the mystery.  I was beginning to be disappointed with the visits of this not-so-very-old friend.  And that was really distressing me.  I really like Charles Lenox, and I came to like John Dallington, but the previous adventure was a bit disappointing and I was beginning to worry about the fate of my friend.

Don't get me wrong, my friend has gotten older, and recognizes that.  And he has a family, and recognizes the need to be a bit more careful for their benefit.  But Charles Lenox is back.  The end of the book teases what will happen in the next adventure, and I am very excited to see how the author flushes that out.  (I do not want to say too much, for fear of spoiling it for people who have not yet read this adventure.)

On the whole, this was a fun book, with plenty of intrigue, and quite a few major and minor mysteries for the reader, and Charles, to unravel.  It was a fun adventure.  The only thing that spoiled it for me was the appearance of Queen Victoria.  We, at my house, have been watching several documentaries on the Queen, her children and grandchildren, and my already none-too-favorable view of her has only gotten worse.  In one of the books my housemate has on her shelves, there is a chapter about Queen Victoria and her son, Bertie (who became King Edward VII), titled, "We Are Not Amused; We Are Abusive" and the documentaries are really reinforcing that view of the Queen.  It's colored her in my opinion, so much so that I find contrary characterizations a bit unbelievable.  That unfortunately has an impact on my enjoyment of this book.

But I will put those few scenes aside and say that I really did enjoy this adventure, and am really looking forward to Charles' next adventure!

One Bear's Opinion:  Four cups of party punch, with a couple of nice jam biscuits

Happy Reading Everyone,

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